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Whitehall Park School

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Head's Welcome

Welcome to Whitehall Park School, where our committed staff work tirelessly to provide a positive, high-quality education that helps your child achieve their full potential.

We are dedicated to creating a learning environment where every child is excited to come to school, thrives in their studies, and aspires to be their best. We nurture a love of learning, foster a ‘can do’ attitude, and encourage children to be confident individuals ready to take on challenges and be prepared for their following stages in education.

Our curriculum is designed to inspire curiosity, promote engagement, and drive exceptional achievement, while individualised learning ensures that every child feels supported. We balance academic rigour with enriched opportunities in arts, sports, and beyond to deliver a truly personalised and exciting educational experience.

We are unwavering in our commitment to providing the best possible education for our pupils. As I step into my role, I am eager to build on the incredible achievements of our pupils since the school opened. I will actively engage with staff, parents, and pupils to understand our strengths and identify growth opportunities. Together, we will ensure that we continue to provide the best possible education, always striving for improvement.

We warmly invite you to explore our website and newsletter for a glimpse of our vibrant school community. For a more immersive experience, we encourage you to book a school tour to find out more: our Senior Leadership Team, along with our Head Boy, Head Girl, and I, are eager to welcome you, show you around our inspiring school and answer any questions you may have.

Sally Reay
